JD Supra Analytics: Understanding Your 'Readers Report'

[One of a series of tips in which Paul Ryplewski shares best practices focused on different reports and dashboards within your JD Supra analytics:]


As the title suggests, use your Readers & Engagement dashboard to understand who, exactly, read your content on JD Supra during a given timeframe.

Among other data points, you'll see the name, title/role, company, and industry information of given readers – as well as the title(s) of the work they read (and the number of times they read it).

As you consider your readers, keep in mind that JD Supra places those we deem most relevant at the top of the list. This can be done for a variety of reasons but, suffice to say, JD Supra has determined that the people at the top of your readers list merit first evaluation by someone on your team. In other words, start there!

We share specific reader information like names and job titles when we have permission to do so. When unable to share specific information, we still do include company and industry information for each reader. When a reader comes to your work from an ISP (like AT&T or Comcast) we exclude that generic information.


These reports allow you to understand engagement with your thought leadership by showing 1) who shared or commented on your content on LinkedIn and X (aka Twitter) – and 2) who followed your firm or authors on JD Supra.

Followers receive your firm's publications directly in their JD Supra email digests, ongoing, and as such are your subscribers.


As you study your Readers & Engagement report, ask

  • are any of these readers clients? If so, are they reading about issues for which we are currently assisting them? If not, does this represent an opportunity for additional work? Share insights with any relationship partners, to guide next conversations with the client.
  • are any of these readers prospective clients or potential referral sources? Does anyone within the firm have an existing relationship with this person (or are they even listed in our CRM)? 
  • for readers and prospects alike, what can we learn from this readership that might deepen our relationship with them?
  • are we seeing any unexpected readership in, say, a specific company or industry? Does this broad trend represent an opportunity for marketing beyond our initial target segments?
  • who within our organization should know this information? Then: share it with them! 

Customize your Readers & Engagement report by filtering:

  • readers within a specific subject covered by your thought leadership. Export and share these targeted metrics with authors writing just on that subject;
  • readers within a specific industry. Export and share this report with anyone focused on specific industries or sectors within your firm. (Also share with the authors being read by specific industries, so that they can understand their reach and determine next steps, as appropriate); 
  • your followers. As I've said, these are people who have subscribed specifically to receive your firm's content as it is published on JD Supra. Consider these deeply engaged subscribers as warm leads, worthy of evaluation either as prospective clients, referral sources, or other high-value connections.
  • readers who have shared or commented on your content on LinkedIn and X. These readers in particular have publicly engaged with your work. Consider joining the conversation with a comment ("Thanks for sharing...") and an invitation to connect. (Pro Tip: encourage authors to make the LinkedIn+JD Supra sync, for even richer data in this engagement report.)
  • an author or group of authors in your organization. If you work with a specific practice group, blogging team, or individual thought leader, consider filtering, exporting, and sharing a reader report covering just their work in the given time period. 

Of course, you can also use the new Report Builder tool to create and schedule a recurring, custom Readers report, delivered to your inbox with a frequency as determined by you.


Paul Ryplewski is VP of Client Services at JD Supra. This post originally appeared as one in a series of Paul's weekly, best practice email tips

Tags: JD Supra How-To, Analytics, Quick Tips, Getting Started, Paul's Tips