To provide, or terminate, access to your firm dashboards and subscriptions: Log in and click Account > Your Admins in your account management dashboard.
Administrator permissions enable the holder to:
1) Manage your JD Supra presence, including:
- manage their subscriptions including Trend Alerts, Analytics, Reader Highlights and Tip of the Week emails.
- edit your firm profile (including replacing your firm logo).
- delete your content
- view and export firm-wide analytics
- view historical and ongoing Trend Alerts (editorial guidance) on all topics.
- add JD Supra profile and/or author badge to your site
- remove authors who've departed your organization
2) Manage your authors' use of various account features, including:
- subscribe/unsubscribe individual authors from reader highlights and monthly analytics emails.
- invite authors to sync their accounts with LinkedIn.
For all of these reasons, we highly recommend that you add all members of your team who might benefit from these tools, especially viewing analytics and trend alerts and that you remember to deactivate users who they leave the firm.