3 Ways 'Beacon Insights' Support Your Data-Driven Business Development...

What's your next move? Paul Ryplewski with three ways JD Supra's Beacon Insights can help your business development teams make smart, data-driven market decisions.

Popular Reads on JD Supra

A quick look at some of the most well-read posts published on JD Supra during November, 2018.

JD Supra Buzz: Clients Earning Media Visibility for Insights & Commentary

A quick recap of some of the recent media mentions clients have received for their insights and commentary, as found by reporters and editors via JD Supra.

Nine Recipes For Success. No, Really...

A special, Thanksgiving-themed Tip of the Week from our VP of Client Services, Paul Ryplewski, and the JD Supra team.

Popular Reads on JD Supra

Reading recap: a look at some of the most popular reads on JD Supra for October, 2018.

7 Ways to Use Your Beacon Reader Data for Strategic Marketing & BD

File under: intelligent intelligence. Kara McKenna offers seven takeaways from a recent webinar on JD Supra's new Beacon Insights data dashboards.

Two Ways to Help Your Authors Access Their Analytics Reports on JD Supra

Paul Ryplewski shows to easy ways to help the authors in your firm get ongoing access to their JD Supra reader analytics.

Popular Reads on JD Supra

What's hot right now? A recap of popular posts published on the JD Supra network during September, 2018.

NEW: 'Beacon Insights' Dashboards - Actionable Intelligence On Companies, Industries, & Key Subject Areas

CEO Aviva Cuyler announces JD Supra's new Beacon Insights dashboards for strategic intelligence on specific interests and broader trends in companies, industries, and key subject areas.

Call for Work - Marketing & BD Folks, Generate Your Own Professional Visibility...

Call for Work: JD Supra's editors are looking for in-house perspectives from marketers and BD managers. Here's how to participate.

JD Supra Buzz: Clients Get Their Share Of Visibility On LinkedIn

A look at how your expertise can extend beyond your own network on LinkedIn, with recent examples of clients whose work on JD Supra has advanced online as readers and corporations share with their own followers. The power of social content...

JD Supra Buzz: Clients In the Media

A recap of some recent media pickup for JD Supra clients, and what this tells us about PR visibility for professional services firms (incl. law firms) in the age of niche media outlets.

[Video] Introducing Your Analytics Dashboard: Part One - Overview

This first video introduces clients to the Overview page of your JD Supra analytics. Learn how to log into your JD Supra account and visit this key page, the "table of contents" into your metrics.

Popular Reads on JD Supra

What's hot right now? A recap of popular posts published on the JD Supra network during August, 2018.

How to Break the Ice and Turn Your Readers Into Network Connections...

From JD Supra's VP of Client Services, here are some easy ways to follow up with your online readers to turn them into meaningful network connections.

JD Supra Buzz: Clients In The Spotlight

JD Supra results: here's what networking opportunities and media engagement look like when you put your thought leadership in front of an engaged and influential audience.

How To Be Useful to In-House Counsel In Your Writing - GC Perspective

An inside perspective adapted from the original by Olga Mack, Bay Area-based attorney, general counsel, startup advisor, mentor, and executive.

How To Support & Inspire Writers In Your Firm (Based On Their Behavior & Comfort Level With Writing...)

JD Supra's VP of Client Services offers best ways to support writers in your firm, based on how they feel about thought leadership and online marketing.

5 Reasons Why No One Reads Your Content (And How To Fix That!)

A blogger without a strategy is like a chef with a shiny new frying pan without ingredients nor diners to create a meal. Here's how to focus on what matters in your content investment.

"It's the people, the support..." - JD Supra clients on how we partner [Video]

Watch this short video montage in which our lovely clients describe one thing they like about partnering with JD Supra.